How To Paddle - Dragon Boat Technique
Rotation technique
How To Get Awesome Dragon Boat Rotation - Dragonboat Technique
Prevent Dragon Boat Injuries! | Stacking Your Shoulders And Hands
Avoid "Chicken Wing" to improve Your Dragon Boat Form (With Drills)
Dragon Boat - The CATCH
Dragon Boat - LEG DRIVE
Dragon Boat - The EXIT
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- Drills
- Drills explained
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Prevent Dragon Boat Injuries! | Stacking Your Shoulders And Hands
Join coach Nevan McCabe as he talks through some of the common injuries that dragon boat athletes suffer from, and some important concepts that will help prevent you from getting injured. This video specifically goes into the concept of "stacking"-- aligning your shoulders and hands in a way that best protects your body from injury while still allowing you to exert maximum levels of force (safely!) Unfortunately, part way through this video our secondary camera and mic cut out. The latter half is filmed from the first angle, but the content and advice is very much worth hearing. Paddles Up is a group of passionate paddlers eager to share our knowledge with you. We are not personal trainers, physicians, or experts in the areas of health, fitness, or Dragon Boating.
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